Some Reasons You’re Tired, And How To Beat That Tired Feeling

How tired are you?  Everyone suffers from tiredness and fatigue at some point.  We are tired because we  are overworked.  Strenuous exercise makes us tired.  Stress, and anxiety cause tiredness.  Not being able to sleep at night is a major cause of exhaustion.  Tiredness can also be due to recent illness, underlying disease, unhealthy lifestyle, improper diet, lack of minerals and vitamins, pregnancy, and anemia.


Chronic tiredness is a nasty, vicious cycle.  We feel tired all the time.  A person who is tired all of the time, refrains from any physical activity and becomes unfit.  Their muscles get stiff, and their body loses its agility.  Blood circulation becomes sluggish, which results in many of the body’s functions become disconnected.


One in every five people feel unusually tired.  One in ten have prolonged fatigue.  Women tend to feel more tired than men.  Tiredness can be a problem at any age.

Some Reasons You May Feel Tired :

You are not getting enough sleep.

You do too much when you are awake.

You don’t take any time off to recharge your batteries.

You sit still all day, so you are not moving enough.

You check your emails too many times a day, even at bedtime.

You don’t drink enough water so you are dehydrated.

You have unrealistic expectations for what a normal person can achieve in a day.

You eat too much junk food, with too much sugar in it.

You drink too much alcohol.

Do you want to figure out why you are tired in the first place?TIREDNESS-WHEN-YOU-CAN'T STAY ASLEEP

Think about:

Parts of your life that might be particularly tiring,

Any events that might have triggered tiredness,

Other things in your life that might be keeping you tired.

Some Reasons Are:


The bodies of Overweight People have to work harder just to do everyday things.

too thin
too thin

Underweight people, who are too thin, have muscles that are not strong enough to do everyday things without getting tired.

Any serious illness can make you tired.  Painful illnesses, fevers, anemia, Auto-immune disorders, and chronic infections can make you tired.   Women may need more iron, medications like beta blockers, and pain killers make you tired.

When you feel stress and anxiety, you become tired.  When you sleep poorly you are always tired.  So, how do we beat tiredness?


Make sure your bedroom is comfortable.  Find the right temperature for your best sleep conditions.




You need a quiet bedroom.


You also need a comfortable bed.


Eat 2-3 hours before going to bed.  Don’t eat or drink late at night.


Pick a way to relax before bed.  Read, meditate, listen to music, etc.



Take a hot bath and relax in the tub for twenty minutes.tiredness-deep-sleep-bath





If something is troubling you, and you can’t fix it right away, or at bedtime, then write it down, and tell yourself that you’ll deal with it in the A.M. TIREDNESS-CAN'T-SLEEP


Write down what is bothering you.   Then go to bed.  when you-can't-sleep-write-what-is-bothering-you-down

Plan out your day, or week , so it doesn’t become hectic and tiring.tired-plan-your-time-daily


Have realistic expectations and set realistic goals for yourself.


Exercise.  Start slowly and over time increase the amount of exercise.


Walking is the easiest way to exercise.  Increase your time when you start getting out of breath.


Some Natural Products you can use to get rid of tiredness.


Pumpkin Seeds are one of the most effective ways to get rid of tiredness effectively because the seeds are rich in different vitamins and minerals, like magnesium, that improve your stamina.


Walnuts are a good way to restore Omega 3 fatty acids to your diet, because one of the main reasons for tiredness is  when your body has an Omega 3 deficiency.  Walnuts boost energy instantly because they are also rich in proteins and fibers that are instant energy booster.


Dehydration could be another reason you feel tired.  Grab a slice of Watermelon the next time you feel tired to replenish water in your body.  Also, iron and potassium in watermelon helps the electrolyte balance and provides extra energy

tiredness-oatmealOatmeal is a rich source of carbohydrates, that provide energy.Tiredness-green-tea

Green Tea is an effective treatment for mental exhaustion.  It is rich in Vitamin C and B6, which help treat mental tiredness.


Red Bell Pepper is rich in Vitamins C , A, and B6.  They are good for tiredness.

Traditional milk bottle with a glass full
Traditional milk bottle with a glass full

A glass of milk is effective to fight tiredness because it is rich in different proteins, and vitamins, and essential minerals.


Beans are one of the best ways to beat tiredness.  They are rich in fiber, minerals, and vitamins.  When eating beans regularly, they act as a power source for the body and they provide it with much-needed nutrients.



Eggs are rich in iron, zinc and proteins that help the body store energy for longer periods of time, which keeps tiredness at bay.



Yogurt provides the body with proteins and carbs that provide energy for the body.  The efficiency of the body increasing because of the good bacteria in yogurt.


Soak the almond (15) overnight in water to get their maximum benefits.


Coconut water invigorates your mind and your body.

I hope some of these helpful ideas will help you beat your tirednesss.  If your tiredness persists, it could be something more serious, and you must see your doctor.  If none of these helpful foods, and tiredness-related problem solvers and ideas help you, then, see your doctor. If you are constantly feeling tired, fatigued, and you never have any energy, you need to see your doctor!  You must go to the doctor.  I was exhausted, and finally I went to see my doctor, and it turned out I had an auto-immune disease, and the doctor could alleviate some of the symptoms, the exhaustion and the aches I felt through my whole body.  It took awhile, and even now, I have days and weeks when I am so tired I can barely function!  If you feel like this, go to the doctor!!!!!!!

I hope you can Relax and enjoy this holiday weekend . Have a Happy Easter!

You Are Awesome!



Please comment in the comment box below!  I always respond to your comments, and I love hearing from you!

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Sookie and Sylvie reside in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We created our mother and daughter in law partnership because we MUDDLE THROUGH really well together (highly unusual for a mother-dogter relationship), we share many interests and love the same things. read more


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