It’s winter and  “baby – it’s cold outside”!  I’ll bet the last thing you want to do is start rubbing an ice cube all over your face!  I think we all should re-think that!  Spas do it, and Beauty experts trust it. Skin Icing is the most simple, cost efficient therapy that does AMAZING things for your skin!  Plus, we all must have some ice in our freezers, right?


The women with the most beautiful skin in the world, Korean Women, who are known for their detailed beauty rituals, have been Icing their skin regularly, for years.

Ice cold hands. Woman hands holding ice cubes - closeup.

They give themselves icing treatments to refresh their face, fight the formation of wrinkles, fight acne and heal blemishes, and promote blood circulation to gives their skin a healthier appearance.



Women ice their skin because it is gentle, there are no side effects, it is great to use on sensitive skin, especially the skin near the eyes (gentle rubbing around the eyes with ice is a safe, quick method to de-puff the eye area) it is considered a type of skin relaxing therapy, it improves blood circulation, it relaxes the facial muscles, it de-stresses you, improves blood circulation. and the skin starts to glow after only 1 treatment!  (I’m in!)



Rub an ice cube on your face for approximately five minutes to improve circulation.   Five whole minutes holding a freezing cold ice cube?  Here are two solutions.


Wrap the ice in a soft towel and massage the towel over your face.  The Korean Women prefer to have the actual ice touching their faces.  What they do to keep their fingers from freezing is they wear gloves!

Use upward circular motions. This will instantly tighten your skin, allowing to become radiant the very first time you do it!  The cold constricts the blood vessels so less blood goes to the surface of the skin.  Redness, swelling and inflammation are reduced.


Icing brings relief for puffiness under the eyes by reducing swelling.


Ice also acts as a great refresher for the face.  When you wake up, throw warm water onto your face.  This will open your pores.  Then follow with ice to shock the skin.  It stimulates and wakes up your skin. The hot and then cold effect results in your having glowing skin!


How to do a simple ice facial in the morning or evening.

First – thoroughly cleanse your face.

Next – wrap one-two ice cubes in a soft cloth or gauze.

When ice begins to melt, and the cloth is damp, apply it to your face. 

Hold the washcloth on different areas for approximately one-two minutes

Move the ice cubes gently with a circular motion up along the chin, jaw line , up the cheeks, and along the forehead, and nose.  

Take special care under your eyes

You can infuse the water for the ice cubes with lemon, cucumber, green tea, or chamomile tea-depending on y0ur skincare needs.

If the cold is too unbearable……STOP!

Don’t use bare ice on skin with broken capillaries, or use ice for too long.

Don’t apply the ice cube straight fro the freezer, because extreme cold can break capillaries. 

If you don’t want to hold the ice directly on your skin, you will get the same effect holding the ice with a wash cloth.

And since icing is often done without covering ice, when the ice becomes too cold to hold with your bare hands…..use gloves!

Icing-skin-icing-ice-cube-facial-tighens-skin-minimizes-pores-fights-acne-improves-circulation-jelps-heal-blemishes  Ice also reduces the swelling and redness of a pimple and will sooth the irritated skin, which makes it great for controlling blemishes.  Using ice on a blemish at the first sign of a pimple will slow down the inflammation and help reduce the size of blemishes.  Hold ice on a blemish until the area feels numb ( a few seconds), doing this every other night.  Don’t hold the ice cube on the skin for too long or it can freeze the skin.  


Another bonus of icing acne prone skin is it helps the antibacterial and topical antibiotics get into the pores.  that is because icing makes the skin surface more permeable, because the cold reduces inflammation that has become swollen and clogged the pores.Swollen skin makes it difficult for topical creams to reach bacteria inside of the pores.  Once you reduce inflammation, the pores will become unclogged and they will open.  This also helps other pores from becoming clogged.Icing-skinicing-removes-dark-circles



Icing Heals  Acne.  When you freeze acne, the freezing zaps the impurities that cause acne.  To prevent blemishes from forming from inflammation of the skin, icing will do the trick.

Icing-skinicing-korean-beauty-ritual-recommends-icing-two-times-a-dayIf you do an ice treatment 2 X a day, the intensity of the acne will be reduced because this type of therapy is capable of deep cleaning the pores.  Daily icing insures that your pores get deeply clean and open up for them to be able to breathe.


Ice is a wrinkle buster.  Skin icing fights fine lines and wrinkles.  This is because Ice is a great way to hydrate the skin.  Wrinkles and fine lines are often formed by lack of moisture and tugging on the skin.  Ice hydrates, smooths and tightens the skin.  Also, ice improves the circulation of the skin.  Circulation improves the elasticity of the skin, refreshes the skin, and gives you a glow.  In this way, fine lines and wrinkles are also minimized.  And, since your circulation is now improved, all of those serums and moisturizing creams will work better!


When you run out of your skin primer, try icing it.  It minimizes the appearance of enlarged pores.  So, ice your face and then apply your foundation.  You will have the same smooth, flawless looking skin that you would have had you used an expensive primer!

If you do it right, you will get awesome results from Skin icing!

You Are Awesome!

please tell us if you have ever iced your skin, and what your results were, in the comments below!  We love hearing from you!



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