TIP – The Biggest Beauty/Makeup Trend For 2017 : BAKE TOURING!!!


According to my favorite Makeup Guru, Wayne Goss, (he really knows how to speak makeup ), the Biggest trend of 2017 is going to be Bake Touring.  Bake-Touring is basically Baking which creates a contouring effect – without actually contouring anything!  It’s all done with Baking! (Highlighting)


Bake Touring is all about applying excess powder onto your face in order to create highlights.

Laura Mercier Translucent Powder
Laura Mercier Translucent Powder

It is creating a subtlety of highlights across your face.


Bake Touring really changes things up from last year’s contouring trend, which was all about creating sharp lines on the face.

Contouring, on the left, is no longer the trend, highlighting with powder, Bake Touring replaces contouring creating a more subtle highlight
Contouring, on the left, is no longer the trend, instead, on the right, highlighting with powder, Bake Touring, replaces contouring.  It creates a more subtle highlight.

You want to create light, so you want to add light powder anywhere on the face that you are going to highlight, whatever you want to stand out-such as across the jawlinebake-touring-trend-2017-makeup-use-of-powder-for-highlights-and-chiseling-face

Across the bridge of the nose, and the side of the nose if you want to create a slimmer nose, and across the forehead


Leave it on for one to three minutes, which Wayne calls Cooking-you are allowing the powder to set on your skin.


After one to three minutes, brush the powder away, or as Wayne says knock it off!

The Results?  You have created light wherever you want it, and a shadow that appears above the light.


You have created a photographic finish.  Bake Touring suits almost everyone.  It gives your skin a gorgeous velvety texture.

bake-touring-highlighting-with-powder-biggest-trend-2017It also prevents your concealer from creasing.


It bumps up the intensity and brightness of the highlights, as well as bumping up the look of a contour contrast-you are carving out your cheekbones without having to actually contour anything!  It is all in the lighting.   Bake Touring minimizes the appearance of your pores, and it also makes your makeup bulletproof!


We can’t wait to hear how you are Bake Touring your faces!  Are you getting good results?  I think you will really like this trend because it is easy to do and the results are subtle and beautiful!

You are Awesome!



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Sookie and Sylvie reside in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We created our mother and daughter in law partnership because we MUDDLE THROUGH really well together (highly unusual for a mother-dogter relationship), we share many interests and love the same things. read more


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