Natural Solutions That Get Rid of Pimples, Zits, Bumps + Acne


Don’t you just want to scream when you get one of those big, red, swollen (the size of a flashlight) pimples in the middle of your face,  and you know all the world will see it?  We’ve all been there, and done that!  And- all we want to do is put our heads under a pillow until the pimple goes away! A pimple can make you feel really self-conscious!  They are embarrassing ! They can even spoil the good mood you’ve been in!   No matter what you call it, a pimple, a zit, a bump, or acne on your face, it occurs when your skin is aggravated-your sebaceous organ becomes contaminated with microbes and it swells up. You become aggravated ( even more aggravated than your skin!)



Lemon juice from a fresh lemon is a natural astringent that has anti-bacterial properties.  It is rich in vitamin C which causes pimples to dry up quickly.



The acidity of vitamin C in Orange juice and Orange Peels makes them the perfect candidates for getting rid of pimples.  First, Wash your face with warm water.  Gently rub the orange peel onto the pimple.  Leave it on for 15-30 minutes.  Wash your face and rinse it off with cold water.  Cold water shrinks your pores.


Grapefruit is rich in antioxidants, and is a good disinfectant that helps treat oily skin and acne.

49c7314236615591ba0834cc2874d3cbPapaya is the fruit to create a mask for acne.  Use the flesh of the papaya to create a paste or a lotion consistency-then  apply the mask to your face for thirty minutes.

Garlic , as we all know, is good for everything. It has anti-fungal, antiseptic, antiviral  properties, and sulfur. They promote quick healing whether you eat it or put it on your skin.  Rub a garlic clove and juice of the garlic onto the skin and leave on for thirty minutes.


Ice cubes are great for those red, swollen spots.  Ice can reduce inflammation, which will reduce the appearance of pimples.  Rub an ice cube on the blemish, and the pores will close and the bacteria will be pushed out of the pore.



Egg Whites applied to the skin, using your fingers or a cotton ball, will dry out pimples.  Leave it on for up to one hour.




Manuka Honey is famous over the internet for its healing and soothing properties. Honey acts as an antibiotic.  It kills bacteria.  Leave it on for at lease 60 minutes, or overnight, and rinse it off in the morning.  A Cinnamon and Honey mixture-equal amounts of honey and cinnamon made into a past can also help get rid of pimples.  Use the paste on the pimple overnight and rinse it off in the AM.



Baking Soda is good for people with sensitive skin.  Use it alone, making a paste with water, and apply it to the pimple, leaving it on for 30 minutes.  Or make a paste with Baking Soda, Honey and Lemon Juice and get more pimple fighting ingredients to do the job quickly.


Mash up some Aspirin.  This works fast because of the anti-inflammatory property of aspirin, which reduces swelling and inflammation.

7334f5f3bf1b4dbd0ca743e2d1a20618how-to-get-rid-of-pimples34Peppermint leaves are cooling, and soothing.  The effect of menthol reduces irritation and redness.  It also has antiviral and antibacterial properties that eliminate bacteria and prevent a pimple from forming.  Crush the peppermint leaves to extract the juice and apply the juice to the pimple.  Leave it on for 10 minutes, and then rinse it off.


A great way to get rid of pimples overnight is to soak basil leaves in water for twenty minutes.  Right before you go to bed apply the extracted liquid , using a cotton ball, to the pimple.  Let it stay on overnight.5adc0892-b9a7-4453-9ce2-416f83692a94-how-to-get-rid-of-a-pimple-overnight

Tea Tree Oil is great for acne and skin conditions and pimples because it breaks up clogged pores, clears out dead skin cells and keeps acne at bay-preventing reoccurring breakouts.  To use tea tree oil, mix one part oil with 6 parts water.  Apply and leave it on for thirty minutes.  NEVER USE TEA TREE OIL UNDILUTED!





Aloe Vera Gel applied for 15 minutes will get rid of redness and irritation.


Apple Cider Vinegar has antibacterial/Anti-fungal properties.  It needs to be pure and undiluted. It should have the “Mother” floating on the bottom of the bottle, which looks like a gunky web of something that looks yucky but it actually IS the remedy because it has active ingredients that are alive- with beneficial bacteria and nutrients.  It also has malic acid, which is a potent anti-fungal and antiviral substance that draws toxins from your face and balances the PH of your skin.  Mix 50% water with 50% Apple Cider Vinegar.  Apply a small amount on your pimple. DON’T USE FULL STRENGTH!


Drink 10-12 Glasses of Water a Day to flush out all the impurities from your body.


Boil a pot of water, and place a towel over the pot and your head to get the steam.  The benefit of steam is it helps open the pores and flushes out the oils, dirt, and bacteria in the pores that cause inflammation.

More Remedies:






So the next time you are lying in bed with your head under your pillow, embarrassed and self conscious and feeling really sorry for yourself………  remember that you do have lots of options to help get rid of  that huge , red “flashlight”- that pimple- in the middle of your forehead!


You Are Awesome!

And-We would love to hear about your pimples, and what you do to get rid of them ASAP!  Please leave us your thoughts in the comments below.

We will be choosing our two end of the month Glam Bag and Sephora 25$ Gift Card Winners at the end of this week!  All you need to do is sign up to receive more Potpourri of Whatever News.  Our fingers are crossed for you!


Sookie and Sylvie and Bobbie Jean


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Sookie and Sylvie reside in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We created our mother and daughter in law partnership because we MUDDLE THROUGH really well together (highly unusual for a mother-dogter relationship), we share many interests and love the same things. read more


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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Hello, thanks for such useful information, it is really interesting, I sometimes use toothpaste to ged rid of pimples)))


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