How To Reduce Stress and Chaos and Be At Peace – Just Breathe !

We can all agree that the world is chaotic, and you cannot avoid troubles in life no matter what you do.  This leads to stress, anxiety, fears, and tears, and feeling like the world is falling down around us, like an overreacting moment when we lose power from a rain storm and we can’t watch our favorite show on TV (that we’ve been looking forward to all week!) breathing-cucumbers-are-anxiety-ridden-humans Now seriously :

Inner Peace is not the absence of chaos, but rather the ability to be at peace while you are in the midst of chaos.

 Inner Peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.  This is where breathing comes in.  Controlled breathing is extremely beneficial because of its ability to calm you down when things start to get stressful.  Breathing-important-to-calm-you

Deep breathing has a slew of positive effects.Breathing-controlled-breathing-for-inner-peace  It slows down your pulse, lowers your blood pressure, eases muscle tension, increases circulation, and it keeps your mind occupied and puts you in a state of relaxation.


A variation of Triangle Breath is to take 3-5 long breaths while you are affirming your intention.  Keep your inhale the exact same duration of your exhale.  It works!


Breathe in through your nose to completely fill your lungs with air and think of an affirmation at the same time, like staying-calm, staying-calm.  As you are breathing in, focus on how the air feels as you are inhaling.  Then hold your breath in, focusing on “staying calm, staying calm.” breathing-in-and-out-breathing  As you breathe in, focus on how the air feels as you are inhaling.  Then hold your breath in, focusing on “staying calm, staying calm.”  Notice where you are holding stress or tension in your body (neck, shoulders, jaw), and relax it.  Then completely empty your lungs and again your affirmation, “staying calm. staying calm.”  Notice the warm air as you exhale.  Usually after about 3 times you can go back to breathing normally.  If your worries or thoughts of No TV in this electrical storm creep in, acknowledge them and let them go.  No matter what your stress or situation is, stay in the present.  The past can not be changed and worrying about the future does nothing for anyone.  breathing-about-techniques-of-breathing-to-calm-chaos

Also, you need to accept however you are feeling even if it is bad.  If you try to subdue these thoughts, it could make you feel worse ( worrying too much, having non-stop irrational thoughts, feeling nauseous, having chest pains, even heart palpitations.)  If you are feeling panicky, it is important to concentrate on breathing out slowly, not to think about breathing in.  It is most important to hold the breath and breathe out SLOWLY!breathing-abdominal-breathing-instructions

Symptoms of anxiety are uncomfortable, but they are not dangerous.  It is extremely important to accept that this feeling is just a big nuisance.  Normalizing these symptoms puts everything into perspective, and the anxiety will go away.  Another avenue to try is an app for either i-phone or android.  It is called Breathing Zone.  It guides you through a deep breathing exercise.  The web claims that it will reduce stress and anxiety in 5 minutes.



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Sookie and Sylvie reside in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We created our mother and daughter in law partnership because we MUDDLE THROUGH really well together (highly unusual for a mother-dogter relationship), we share many interests and love the same things. read more


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